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Monday, June 21, 2010

It happened when I was a junior high school. It was about 4 years ago...
When I was finished tutoring, my friends and I returned home by public transportation. We took public transportation together. It was about five people in there. And I was the only boy. Along the way one of my friends borrowed my mobile phone. Her named Fani. She played the music while we were traveling home. We sing happily together. Suddenly, an old man who we did not know enter. And he tried to borrow my mobile phone which it was borrowed by her. So, she gave it to him. And act a little silly, the old man asked to us facilities of the phone. I answered many facilities in it. Such as radio, games, music players, etc. Then, he asked to us again the price of the phone. I answered again I did not know, because it was bought by my father. All my friends and I was getting suspicious with him. One of my friends suggested me to take it back from him. And I required him to bringing it back. He ignored it. Because my friend's house was near, so she got out first. She was confused when I looked her out of public transportation. My other friends and I have felt scared with the old man. I threw back on and he still stubborn to bringing it back to me. Which I would go down the place near the police station and I thought he felt scared.

He asked to me, "how much money do you have?”
And I answered, "I only have 1000 rupiahs.”
"Really?" He asked again to me.
"Yes" I answered again.

Finally, he brought it back to me and replaced it with money. My friends WHO on their home did not already yet and I got out together. My friend, who named Fani, gave me a message to ask about my phone and I answered it back to me. Alhamdulillah.

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